The biggest loss faced in the case where an individual or entity declare themselves as bankrupt is by unsecured credits. In the case of a bankruptcy, the obligation to repay unsecured loans is generally removed even after the conclusion of the bankruptcy period. However, there are certain exceptions as the borrower may be obligatory to pay certain unsecured loans. A major problem unsecured creditors have to deal with in case their... ❯❯❯
Prior to lemon law being established in the United States, buyers of defective vehicles (known as lemons) were essentially out of luck. Fortunately, nowadays, there are laws across the country designed to protect consumers and other drivers on the road from faulty vehicles. Buying or leasing a defective vehicle always seems like something that will never happen to you. If you find yourself in this sticky situation, there are surely a... ❯❯❯
Trying to make your dreams or the dreams of those close to you come true can be a challenge at times. With that in mind, are you willing to do all it takes to see those dreams become a reality? Work Hard to Get What You Want Whether getting a job, overcoming a health issue or even realizing the American dream, you can do it. For example, do you or loved ones want to make the U.S. your permanent home? If you do, you know the... ❯❯❯
Wrongful death litigation is an attempt to provide justice to the families of those who lost a loved one due to a situation caused by negligence. When the behavior of a third party directly or indirectly caused the death of an individual this is the time when the lawsuit must be pursued. There are many facets to what constitutes wrongful death and what damages are entitled to be received. Although the process can be... ❯❯❯
Some time ago, we presented a winding up petition to a company that owed one of our clients £50k. Upon receipt, the respondent company threatened to apply for a court injunction to restrain us from proceeding and dismiss the petition on the grounds the debt was disputed.
The respondent company falsely alleged that £49k of the debt was disputed, but in accordance with section 123 of the Insolvency Act 1986, the petition remained in... ❯❯❯
It is safe to say that we are firmly into 2018 now, and the first month of this year has been filled with brand new technology that is set to change the way we live our day to day lives. Not only has it changed the way that we live our lives but it has changed many different sectors of business.
As technology progresses at this pace, we should probably look at what this means for the legal sector. Firms all over the world are adopting... ❯❯❯
While in service I visited the United States as a guest of the US Air Force. As I was sometimes a presiding officer of Court Martial in India (being legally qualified), I was interested how the US military law functions. One significant difference is that in the US, there is at the moment one Unified Military Code which is applicable to all the 4 service arms namely the army, airforce, navy and coast guard, while in India we have a... ❯❯❯
Terri-Lynn Robinson's entire life was turned upside down when a dispute with her ex-husband went disastrously wrong. As he packed to move out, he decided to take revenge. He retrieved a BBQ lighter and lit the entire length of their bed skirt on fire. With her in the room. Within minutes, her bedroom went up in flames. While Terri was able to escape, her home and life were in shambles. Her house, an object of arson, was uninhabitable.... ❯❯❯
Without proper planning, a person's estates will be distributed through a probate process after the person's death. This judicial-administrative process is lengthy and it may take years until a final resolution is reached. Hiring specialized lawyers and consultants is recommended and will greatly speed up the process, since experts know what documents are needed and the exact steps of the probate. But first, let's analyze the reasons... ❯❯❯
This type of attorney is the one that represents and advises the homeowner's association board members on many different matters regarding property rights and contracts. A HOA attorney is generally in charge of drafting the community rules so that they comply with the governing law. They will also provide broad advice to the members of the association about organizational structure and leadership responsibilities and helping to enforce... ❯❯❯